Rejuve Water for Mini@Home
Rejuve Water for Mini@Home
Rejuve Water for Mini@Home
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Rejuve Water for Mini@Home

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Water for Rejuve Mini @Home unit is a portable whole-body spa treatment. An amazing, premium experience at your home delivering moisture and mineral benefits to the skin. A Rejuve Mini @Home session leaves skin silky soft!

What is Rejuve?

Rejuve is natural mountain spring water softened in a proprietary process, removing toxins and chemicals. This ultra pure spring water is infused ions of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc and Magnesium that accelerate a natural ion exchange to help hydrate your skin. Our unique process softens the water naturally without chemicals, allowing it to deliver essential elements to hydrate and nourish your skin for an all over transformation. 

Results that Work!

  • Hydrates skin. Improving the firmness and elasticity. Reducing wrinkles and fine lines and age spots.
  • Reduces redness and irritation from acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin issues.
  • Reduces the appearance of scars
  • Softens dry rough, cracked skin
  • Nourishes and soothes the effects of sun damaged skin and sunburn pain

Ingredient Benefits

  • Spring Water -Water is nature’s most abundant and life-giving element – a powerful force your body needs to survive and flourish. ​
  • Silver-Promotes healthy skin, rejuvenates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Supports healthy skin, cartilage, and tendon regeneration. Helps maintain integrity of the connective tissue.
  • Gold Promotes healthy skin, rejuvenates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Supports healthy skin, cartilage, and tendon regeneration. Helps maintain integrity of the connective tissue of the blood vessels.
  • Platinum-Supports healthy tissue, regeneration, DNA repair and promotes enhanced mental acuity, focus and concentration.
  • Copper-Promotes healthy skin. Supports healthy cartilage and tendon regeneration. Plays a critical role in cellular energy production. Plays a role in the metabolism of the neurotransmitters. Functions as an antioxidant.
  • Magnesium-Activates hundreds of enzymes and B vitamins, and plays a vital role in nerve activity and protein synthesis.
  • Zinc-Functions as an antioxidant. Promotes healthy skin. Supports healthy cartilage regeneration. Promotes improved cellular metabolism. Supports healthy tissue regeneration. Supports a healthy immune system

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